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Zaraplast Commitment
Environmental Practices

The threat of climate change and the depletion of natural resources have increased in recent years, and Zaraplast understands it is essential to include topics such as Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Energy, Biodiversity, Water and Effluents, Environmental Compliance, and Environmental Supplier Assessment in its investment choices and management parameters. These issues address externalities such as influences on the company’s operation and revenues that are not solely affected by market mechanisms.

Zaraplast Commitment
Social Practices

Zaraplast is convinced that considerations such as the impact on local communities, the health and well-being of employees, a more comprehensive assessment of its supply chain, and an environment of respect and diversity are fundamental in creating healthy working conditions and introducing improvements, innovation, and agility in its processes. For this, topics such as Employment, Freedom of Association, Diversity and Equality, Health and Safety, Training and Education, Combating Child Labor, Combating Forced Labor and Slavery-like Practices, and also Development of Local Suppliers are essential for creating a fair and inclusive management model.

Zaraplast Commitment
Corporate Governance Practices

Corporate governance covers the rights and responsibilities of Zaraplast management, its board of directors, shareholders, and stakeholders, through the inclusion of business ethics policies and indicators, addressing topics such as Profile and Strategy, Governance, Human Rights, Ethics and Integrity, Fighting Corruption, Economic Performance, Indirect Economic Impacts, and Taxes, providing transparency in management and accounting practices for stakeholders.


Discover our goals, commitments, and values

Zaraplast understands that the development of ESG factors in an organization’s management model has become inevitable, and the evidence pointing towards a relationship between environmental, social, and governance performance and financial performance is growing stronger.